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主たる研究業績 - 消費者行動・嗜好


  1. , Yudai Yonezawa, Tomoka Okame, Nozomi Tobiishi, Yume Tetsuno, Miho Sakurai, Shigenori Suzuki, and Yuji Wada (2024). Clusters in Infant Environmental Factors Influence School-Age Children’s Vegetable Preferences in Japan, Nutrients, 16 (7), 1080.  https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16071080.
  2. Kimura, A*., Yamaguchi, K., Tohara, H., Sato, Y., Sawada, N., Nakagawa, Y., Matsuda, Y., Inoue, M., Wada, Y., Tamaki, K. (2023). Exploring whether weight-related cues affect food intake in older adults with dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2023:18, 1453-1461. 
  3. Kimura, A*., Tokunaga, H, Sasaki, H, Shuzo, M, Mukawa, N, Wada, Y(2021). Effect of co-eating on unfamiliar food intake among Japanese young adults, Food Quality and Preference, 89,104135.
  4. Narumi Nagai, N. Shindo, A. Wada, H. Izu, T. Fujii, K. Matsubara, Yuji Wada, Naoki Sakane (2019). Effects of Rice Wine Lees on Cognitive Function in Community Dwelling Physically- Active Older Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial, The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. 7(2), 95-103.
  5. Atsushi Kimura*, Tomoe Tamaki, Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Yuji Wada (2018). Effects of perceived quality of container on water and snack intake and dyadic communication, Food Quality and Preference, 65, 181-186.
  6. 青山郁子*・朱馬華・小山慎一・和田有史・日比野治雄 (2016). 生産者情報の「見える化」が食品の心理的安全評価・品質の評価に与える効果, 消費者行動研究, 23 (1), 47-60.
  7. 森数馬・本田秀仁・永井成美・和田有史* (2016). 食品の機能性に対する認知と栄養に関する知識の個人差の関係性について, 消費者行動研究, 22(1・2), 49-68.
  8. 松原和也・杉山洋・村越琢磨・増田知尋・本田秀仁・和田有史* (2015). 高齢者の認知傾向とインターネットでの購買行動の関係, 映像情報メディア学会誌, 69 (9), J271-277.
  9. 曲山幸生*・七里与子・宮ノ下明大・今村太郎・古井聡・和田有史・増田知尋 (2015). 食品害虫サイト用に開発したアクセス解析プログラムとそのツール化, 食品総合研究所研究報告, 79, 57-66.
  10. Atsushi Kimura*, Naoki Mukawa, Masahide Yuasa, Tomohiro Masuda, Mana Yamamoto, Takashi Oka, Yuji Wada (2014). Clerk agent promotes consumers’ ethical purchase intention in unmanned purchase environment, Computers in Human Behavior, 33, 1-7.
  11. Atsushi Kimura, Naoki Mukawa, Mana Yamamoto, Tomohiro Masuda, Masahide Yuasa, Sho-ichi Goto, Takashi Oka, Yuji Wada* (2012). The influence of reputational concerns on purchase intention of fair-trade foods among young Japanese adults. Food Quality and Preference, 26(2), 204-210.
  12. Atsushi Kimura, Shigetaka Kuwazawa, Yuji Wada*, Yasushi Kyutoku, Masako Okamoto, Yui Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Masuda, Ippeita Dan (2011). Conjoint analysis on the purchase intent for traditional fermented soy product (Natto) among Japanese Housewives, Journal of Food Science, 76 (3), S217-224.
  13. Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada*, Akiko Kamada, Tomohiro Masuda, Masako Okamoto, Sho-ichi Goto, Daisuke Tsuzuki, Dongsheng Cai, Takashi Oka, Ippeita Dan (2010). Interactive effects of carbon footprint information and its accessibility on value and subjective qualities of food products, Appetite, 55, 271-278.
  14. Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Wada*, Daisuke Tsuzuki, Sho-ichi Goto, Dongsheng Cai, Ippeita Dan (2008). Consumer valuation of packaged foods: Interactive effects of amount and accessibility of information, Appetite, 51, 628-634.